My book on autism recovery will be ready for publication soon!
Dear valued readers, I am thrilled to announce that, after two grueling years of research and rewrites, my book on autism recovery, Autistic or Toxic? How I Unlocked the Mystery of My Son’s “Autism” will be ready for publication soon. It’s a heartbreaking, though quite entertaining, story of my son Luke and his descent into the world of autism. It starts with his traumatic birth and the death of his twin. The story then describes the impact Luke’s autism had on our family, our countless doctors’ visits as I searched for that elusive “magic cure,” and Luke’s eventual recovery from his autistic behaviors.
The heartbreaking part of the book is pretty obvious, but the entertaining part comes from Luke’s quirky personality. Even though he was considered severely autistic at one point, his antics makes for some laugh-out-loud reading.
We still look back at some of his most outrageous behaviors. I’ll say to him, “Hey Luke, do you remember the time you pulled down the fire alarm and the fire engines came racing to the scene?” Or I’ll say, “Hey Luke, do you remember the time you tackled that bully in the schoolyard and got your pencil back?”
Luke would cut his eyes at me and give me that devilish grin. We would then laugh and laugh. For, though it wasn’t funny at all at the time, we fondly look back at those crazy times in our lives when autism ruled our household.
Autism is treatable!
The challenges we faced when Luke was in the unrelenting grip of autism became a stepping stone to the delightful person he has turned out to be as he has grown into adulthood. It also has helped me grow into a more accepting, compassionate person.
Luke may still be a little quirky, but that quirkiness is part of what makes him so special to me. But he is independent, has his own apartment and job, and is a happy and healthy, productive member of society. And in my mind, that’s recovery enough from autism.
Besides, if we were all “normal,” the world would be a boring place, indeed.
The reason I wrote this book is to help children with autistic tendencies overcome them at a younger age. If we had known what was really going on with Luke when he was born, we could have treated him at a much younger age, thus avoiding the subsequent damage to his brain and other organs. But, because I didn’t realize what was really wrong with Luke until he was 7, the damage to his organs was already done. A lot of that damage was irreversible.
Early autism intervention is crucial!
The main thing I want to impart to you is that there is hope for your child after an autism diagnosis. It may seem overwhelming and bleak at first. But if you start intervention at as young of an age as possible, have faith, and have a support system in place, you should be able to weather the storm called autism. The sun will come out, and you’ll find yourself at that fabled pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
Get the first chapter of Autistic or Toxic? free!
Please go to my website at www.scarlettsouthauthor.com and sign up for my free newsletter. I’ll then send you the first chapter of Autistic or Toxic? How I Unlocked the Mystery of My Son’s Autism for free.
I hope to hear from you-all, and how you’re dealing with the autism in your lives!
Scarlett South

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