Dear valued readers: Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post. I would like to take this moment to introduce myself. My name is Scarlett South. I am a crusader for the defeat of autism, as well as an autism expert.

What makes me such an expert on autism, you may ask. I have a son, Luke, who is now a young adult. He was labeled as being autistic; more specifically, PDD, or Pervasive Developmental Disorder, when he was three years old, and not given much hope for his future.

I never believed that it was autism. I believed that it was something medical, but I just didn’t know what. It took me many years, and many doctors, before it hit me like a ton of bricks what it really was. I took him to an environmental doctor, who confirmed my suspicions. After being treated, Luke had his label changed to expressive-language disorder when he was ten. He graduated from college and now lives independently as a productive citizen.

But a lot of damage was done to his body. And that is why I want to share with you how we got Luke’s autism label removed, so that you will be better informed than I was, and can get your child treated at an earlier age, thus giving your loved one more of a chance at a normal life.

Please allow me to tell you the story about Luke…

Luke was born six weeks prematurely via emergency c-section, since the doctors had to take his twin, who had started bleeding in his brain. Luke weighed four pounds. His twin weighed a paltry two pounds, and was diagnosed with a grade four bleed in his brain, a closed lumen in  his large bowel and two holes in his heart. The doctors said the discrepancy in their weights indicated a disease process, but they didn’t know which one. Luke’s twin would have required three major surgeries: a shunt for the bleed in his brain, open the lumen in his bowels and open-heart surgery for the hole in his heart. We did the only compassionate thing for him: we took him off the ventilator and he died peacefully in my arms a few minutes later.

The doctors said the part of the placenta that had nurtured him was in shreds. But why? The doctors had no clue. They tested him for CMV, or cytomegalovirus, thinking that I may have passed onto him a form of herpes, but he tested negative for it.

Meanwhile, the surviving twin, Luke, got his first vaccine while he was struggling to stay alive, machines having to breathe for him. I cringed as I  watched the doctor push the needle into his tiny thigh, and an ominous chill went down my spine.

Isn’t he too medically fragile to have vaccines pumped into his body already? I thought to myself.

I realize that most forms of autism manifests itself at around the age of eighteen months, leading some to believe that the MMR vaccine caused their child’s autism. But Luke started demonstrating signs of the dreaded disorder the day we brought him home from the hospital.

Our nightmare was just beginning. Join me next week to find out how…

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Scarlett South is a registered nurse, an autism specialist and the author of Autistic or Toxic? How I Unlocked the Mystery of My Son's "Autism." But her proudest achievement is her adult son, whom was once considered severely autistic, with talks of being placed in an institution, and whom is now an independent and productive member of society! Scarlett is based in Florida.

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